The importance of loss in the genesis of depressive disorders


  • P. Sierra Psychiatry Unit Hospital Universitario La Fe Valencia
  • L. Livianos Psychiatry Unit Hospital Universitario La Fe Valencia
  • L. Rojo Psychiatry Unit Hospital Universitario La Fe Valencia


Loss, Depression, Life events, Hopelessness


Introduction. The role of loss has been carefully examined in the investigation of depression since it constitutes a central aspect of most of the life events that lead to depression.

Methods. In the present study, a review was made of the different studies on the role of loss, focusing on its different aspects and different types, the association between loss and some mental diseases, loss and prognosis, relationship between hopelessness and loss, variations of the events of loss based on different factors, also considering loss in the childhood.

Results. Loss constitutes a central role in the appearance of many depressive disorders. It can act as a provoking agent, a vulnerability factor or an agent that can modify the form, severity and course of a depressive disorder. Different factors such as the genetic one, gender or moment of life when the loss takes place, can modulate the influence of loss events.



How to Cite

Sierra, P., et al. “The Importance of Loss in the Genesis of Depressive Disorders”. Actas Españolas De Psiquiatría, vol. 37, no. 3, May 2009, pp. 128-36,


