Atypical anorexia nervosa without body image distortion: based on a clinical case


  • M.Sáenz Herrero Psychiatry Department. Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Madrid
  • J. del Río Vega Psychiatry Department. Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Madrid
  • J. J. López-Ibor Aliño Psychiatry Department. Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Madrid


Anorexia, Body image, Eating disorders


Eating disorders presents a lower prevalence in males than in females. Despite being mentioned in 1689 in the first case described by Richard Morton, anorexia nervosa in males has been relatively ignored. The diagnostica criteria for males with anorexia nervosa are similar to those for females although the sociocultural environment differs from birth between the sexes. Men and women perceive fatness differently. They have different ideas of shape and they value slimness differently.



How to Cite

Herrero, M.Sáenz, et al. “Atypical Anorexia Nervosa Without Body Image Distortion: Based on a Clinical Case”. Actas Españolas De Psiquiatría, vol. 31, no. 2, Mar. 2003, pp. 103-5,



Clinical Note